Light Rail Transit

Highland Park Station Transit Plaza, Metro Gold Line

Los Angeles, CA
"The work Mr. Glick did to bring together our agency needs and to generate an urban design response to the community’s significant concerns [about Marmion Way] was outstanding."
—Steven Brye, Project Manager, LA Metro [Metro Gold Line, Marmion Way Corridor]
2004 National Transportation Excellence Award in Safety Conscious Planning, FHWA FTA APA

Mr. Glick worked with LA Metro from 1995 - 2003 as Project Urban Designer on the Metro Gold Line LRT Project on two key segments: the Marmion Way Corridor, and the Highland Park Transit Plaza. Following design of the seven blocks between Avenue 50 and Avenue 57, Mr. Glick led design of the Highland Park Station Transit Plaza. This consisted of a two-block transit plaza, street trees, benches, landscaping, pergola, pedestrian lighting, paving design commemorating the historical roots of the neighborhood and arts and crafts era architectural compatibility. The plaza's design program included placing the plaza at street level (i.e. buidling it without a curb) to enable a Farmer's Market to become an integral transit station area feature. The Highland Park Station Transit Plaza and Marmion Way Corridor were dedicated on Saturday, May 10, 2003. The ceremony was led by Los Angeles City Councilmember Ed Reyes. (Mr. Glick led the various portions of this work while with HNTB and Huitt-Zollars.)